bool | Settings (uint set_algorithm) |
| Model setting. More...
override bool | OpenFile (string prototxt, string model_path) |
| Create a network object from a model file. More...
override bool | OpenEx (Ailia.ailiaFileCallback callback, IntPtr arg1, IntPtr arg2) |
| Creates a network object from a file callback. More...
override bool | OpenMem (byte[] prototxt_buf, byte[] model_buf) |
| Creates network objects from memory. More...
bool | SetThreshold (float threshold) |
| Sets the detection threshold. More...
List< AiliaPoseEstimator.AILIAPoseEstimatorObjectPose > | ComputePoseFromImage (Color32[] image, int image_width, int image_height) |
| Skeletal detection is performed from images. More...
List< AiliaPoseEstimator.AILIAPoseEstimatorObjectPose > | ComputePoseFromImageB2T (Color32[] image, int image_width, int image_height) |
| Skeletal detection is performed from an bottom-top image. More...
List< AiliaPoseEstimator.AILIAPoseEstimatorObjectUpPose > | ComputeUpPoseFromImage (Color32[] image, int image_width, int image_height) |
| Detection is performed from the image. More...
List< AiliaPoseEstimator.AILIAPoseEstimatorObjectUpPose > | ComputeUpPoseFromImageB2T (Color32[] image, int image_width, int image_height) |
| Detection is performed from an upside-down image. More...
List< AiliaPoseEstimator.AILIAPoseEstimatorObjectFace > | ComputeFaceFromImage (Color32[] image, int image_width, int image_height) |
| Performs facial feature point detection from images. More...
List< AiliaPoseEstimator.AILIAPoseEstimatorObjectFace > | ComputeFaceFromImageB2T (Color32[] image, int image_width, int image_height) |
| Detects facial feature points from bottom-top images. More...
List< AiliaPoseEstimator.AILIAPoseEstimatorObjectHand > | ComputeHandFromImage (Color32[] image, int image_width, int image_height) |
| Detects hands from an image. More...
List< AiliaPoseEstimator.AILIAPoseEstimatorObjectHand > | ComputeHandFromImageB2T (Color32[] image, int image_width, int image_height) |
| Detects hands from an bottom-top image. More...
override void | Close () |
| Destroy the detection object. More...
override void | Dispose () |
| Release resources. More...
bool | Environment (int type) |
| Selects the specified type of calculation environment. More...
string | EnvironmentName () |
| Displays the name of the selected environment. More...
int | GetEnvironmentCount () |
| Get the number of available computing environments (CPU, GPU). More...
Ailia.AILIAEnvironment | GetEnvironment (int idx) |
| Obtains the computing environment for the specified index. More...
bool | SelectEnvironment (int idx) |
| Select the calculation environment. More...
Ailia.AILIAEnvironment | GetSelectedEnvironment () |
| Retrieves the selected computing environment. More...
void | SetMemoryMode (uint set_memory_mode) |
| Sets the memory mode. More...
void | DisableLayerFusion () |
| Disables speedup due to layer fusion. More...
bool | Predict (float[] output_data, float[] input_data) |
| Perform inference and obtain inference results. More...
Ailia.AILIAShape | GetInputShape () |
uint[] | GetInputShapeND () |
| Obtains the shape of the input data at the time of inference. More...
bool | SetInputShape (Ailia.AILIAShape shape) |
| Sets the shape of the input data during inference. More...
bool | SetInputShapeND (uint[] shape, int dim) |
| Change the shape of the input data during inference. More...
Ailia.AILIAShape | GetOutputShape () |
| Obtains the shape of the output data during inference. More...
uint[] | GetOutputShapeND () |
| Obtains the shape of the output data during inference. More...
Ailia.AILIAShape | GetBlobShape (string layer_name) |
| Obtains the shape (layer format) of the internal data (Blob) at the time of inference. (Obsolete) More...
int | FindBlobIndexByName (string name) |
| Look up and retrieve the index of the internal data (Blob) at the time of inference by name. More...
Ailia.AILIAShape | GetBlobShape (uint idx) |
| Obtains the shape (layer format) of the internal data (Blob) at the time of inference. More...
Ailia.AILIAShape | GetBlobShape (int idx) |
bool | GetBlobData (float[] output_data, uint idx) |
| Obtains internal data (Blob) at the time of inference. More...
bool | GetBlobData (float[] output_data, int idx) |
bool | SetInputBlobData (float[] input_data, uint idx) |
| Set input data to the specified Blob. More...
bool | SetInputBlobData (float[] input_data, int idx) |
bool | SetInputBlobShape (Ailia.AILIAShape shape, uint idx) |
| Sets the format of the specified input data (Blob). (4 dimensions or less) More...
bool | SetInputBlobShape (Ailia.AILIAShape shape, int idx) |
bool | SetInputBlobShapeND (uint[] shape, uint dim, uint idx) |
| Sets the format of the input data (Blob). (5D or more) More...
bool | SetInputBlobShapeND (uint[] shape, int dim, int idx) |
uint[] | GetInputBlobList () |
| Obtains a list of the indices of the input data (Blob). More...
uint[] | GetOutputBlobList () |
| Obtains a list of indices of the output data (Blob). More...
bool | CopyBlobData (uint dst_blob_idx, uint src_blob_idx, AiliaModel src_model=null) |
| Perform copies between blobs that specified. More...
bool | Update () |
| Inference is performed with pre-populated data. More...
string | GetStatusString (int status) |
| Returns a string corresponding to the status code. More...
string | GetErrorDetail () |
| Returns error details. More...
bool | SetProfileMode (uint profile_mode) |
| Enable profile mode. More...
string | GetSummary () |
| Obtain network information and profile results. More...