Ask Questions About Document Files

By registering document files to an index, you can ask AI about information listed in the registered documents.

Look here for how to register files to indexes.

Asking About Information in Document Files

  1. Select "Chat" from the app menu at the top left of the screen.

  2. Right-click the indexed document file you want to question and select "AI chat from this text".

  3. Verify that the specified file or folder is displayed at the top. useai_08_04.png

  4. The display to the left of the chat box will show "RAG", entered your question, and send it.

  5. The AI will respond based on related files. (The search is conducted by the local AI)

  • Scroll up the generated response to see the text referenced by the AI.
    Click the referenced text to confirm the reference location.

  • To return to normal chat, click "Release Refinement".

Asking About Multiple Document Files

You can ask questions across multiple document files by putting related documents in a folder.
Ensure to have the app menu at the top left set to chat mode.

  1. Right-click the folder containing the registered files, and select "AI chat from this folder".
  2. Verify the specified folder is displayed at the top.
    The files contained within the folder will be listed at the bottom.
  3. The display to the left of the chat box will show "RAG", enter your question, and send it.
  4. The AI will check the related files and display the response. (The search is conducted by the local AI)
  5. Scroll up the generated response to confirm the files and text referenced by the AI.
    Click the referenced text to verify the reference location.

  • To return to normal chat, click "Release Refinement".


ailia DX Insight uses Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) to make response rationale clear and suppress the generation of factitious information.
For more details about RAG, please refer here.

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